Ad Limina

At the service of the Italian Church: Triveneto, Liguria and Emilia Romagna

The President of the Italian Episcopal Conference and three ecclesiastical regions in February


In February, the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference and Archbishop of Bologna, Card. Matteo Zuppi, accompanied his ecclesiastical region of Emilia Romagna on a visit to the Dicastery.

Prior to this visit, the bishops of Triveneto and Liguria had also visited the offices of Palazzo San Calisto to share a moment of dialogue and mutual listening.

The bishops of the three regions, in general, expressed concern that the presence of the laity in the life of the Church, while strong and rich, is not being renewed by young people who, to an increasing extent, are reluctant or disinterested to serve as catechists or educators.

There is growing pastoral solicitude for wounded families, for remote marriage preparation, and for the accompaniment of children who experience homosexuality.

The tradition of the National Day for Life continues, as it does throughout the entire nation, and bears fruit: the opening of more and more family counselling centres and Life Support Centres.



Ad Limina Visit, Italy (Emilia Romagna)
Ad Limina Visit Italy (Triveneto)
28 February 2024